Justin Dunn is a nationally recognized horse trainer/clinician with over 25 years of personal study. Founder of the American Mustang School, Justin Dunn provides equine assisted learning therapy to veterans, military, first responders and others who keep us safe at great risk to themselves. He understands the gift of balance and self-discovery that these wild horses are willing to share with humans. Mustangs can be unparalleled partners in promoting mental health and wellness in people. As a professional horse trainer/clinician, Justin also offers services for mustang adopters. His specialty is in helping people and mustangs build their relationship. He helps people improve themselves so that their horse can be better, too. Life improvement for both the individual and the horse. Justin wants to help people adopt and understand the American mustang and help mustangs understand people.
Justin Dunn has been an avid rider since he was a child. He's competed in Mustang Makeovers and adopted the Mustangs he trained to help him in his work. He owns and operates the American Mustang School. His experience with and dedication to the American Mustang has helped Justin to develop a horsemanship method that allows humans to enter effectively and therapeutically into relationships with mustangs. One thing you might find surprising; all of Justin’s horses are barefoot and are ridden using Bit-less bridles he designed. This provides for exquisite communication for the rider and unparalleled comfort for the horse. (Interestingly, Justin does not use spurs either!)
Geographical Area: Aberdeen, North Carolina
- Trail Riding
- Adaptive Sports for Veterans
- Equine Assisted Therapy
- Horse Packing
- Parade Training
Industry Organization Membership:
- American Mustang School – Owner and Founder
Career Highlights:
- 2019 American Mustang School Founder
- 2012 – 2017 Nighthawk Ranch: Six years operating a horsemanship program for children diagnosed with cancer
- Innovator/designer of the Justin Dunn Bit-less Bridle, manufactured by Weaver Leather
- Experience guiding over 5,000 people in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado
- Served 8 years in the United States Navy, Petty Officer 2nd class
Favorite Weaver Leather Products:
- Justin Dunn Bitless Bridle
- Synergy® Performance Saddle Pads
- Pulling Collar
- Smart Cinches®
- Silvertip® Rope Halters & Yacht Leads
- eZall® Body Wash
Visit website: https://www.justindunnhorsemanship.com
Visit Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JustinDunnMustangHorsemanship