Horseman's Moment

Weaver Equine is proud to partner with Ken McNabb Horsemanship and sponsor his show Discovering the Horseman Within which airs on RFD-TV. A portion of each episode is dedicated to the Horseman's Moment during which Ken discusses various important character traits and how you can relate them to your life with horses.
Inspired by the Lodestar Guidance: Principles to Live and Lead Ken shares his thoughts on the impactof character in our everyday lives and our lives with our equine partners. Developed by Paul Weaver, our previous President and CEO whoretired in 2020, Lodestar Guidance empowers individuals to live and lead effectively.
How do you practice good character with your horses? Share your stories on social media using #HorsemansMoment #RideTheBrand and #LodestarGuidance.